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Nutrition and the Connection to Healthy Brain Function

There is good news for those suffering from depression, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and schizophrenia. Psychiatry has long considered each of these to be individual conditions that should be treated more or less uniformly. Unfortunately, while new drugs have offered help for many, others have suffered terribly from them. Consider the TV ads for antidepressants in which the fast-paced disclaimer mentions severe depression and suicide as possible side effects! But now for the good news, we now know why some drugs benefit some patients, while others cause their symptoms to worsen.

It turns out that all of these conditions have different biochemical subtypes that can be identified through blood and urine testing in combination with a review of symptoms and previous response to medication. Once correctly diagnosed, the biochemical imbalance may be treated with specific nutrients, allowing the patient to recover often to the point where they no longer need medication.

These biochemical subtypes, listed in the table above, are partly genetically based and partly epigenetically based. The epigenetic initiation of disease (as when a person was normal for years and then suddenly starts going downhill) is due to many causes and can often be counteracted with nutrition and other interventions, resulting in restoration of a healthy state. I am excited about this approach since it makes biological sense, has been successful clinically, and is very doable for most people. Dr. Seroya Crouch

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